Zippora Elders

Curating, Writing, Advising, Sharing <3

Previously, a.o.: Head of Curatorial Department & Outreach at Gropius Bau, artistic and managing director Kunstfort, cocurator Sonsbeek Force Times Distance, curator Foam museum for photography and editor Foam Magazine. Etc.

No newsletters, no spam, love art, labour always:

Btw, during the pandemic Roos van der Lint did this interview with me
The year after I wrote this column to Domeniek Ruyters
An intimate podcast with Kris Dittel and Eloise Sweetman
Interview by and snacks with Walter Books’ Krista Jantowski during my transition from Kunstfort to Gropius Bau

Governance and support
Chair Fiber Festival
Vice Chair Hard//hoofd
General Board Kunsten '92
Supervisory Board Rizoom
Advisory Committee Beyond Walls Collective
Advisory Board Museum MORE
Curator at Large Fondation Constant
Visual Arts Raad voor Cultuur
Jury Theodora Niemeijer Prijs
